Package faceEmbeddingsPipeline_python_module
FaceEmbeddings Pipeline:
model is supposed to create embeddings (512-d float32 vector) for a cropped
and aligned
This would provide users with mathematical representation(a vector) which then can be compared with other such embeddings
mathematically using something like dot-product.
Architecture is based on mobileNetV2
Our pipeline handles all the steps starting from detecting a face,detecting corresponding landmarks,followed by aligning the face and then final embeddings (512-d vector).
Model handles all the preprocessing
and postprocessing
calculations so user is expected only to provide rawImage data (from any source),so truly plug&play
- Pipeline even after including a number of steps runs in super real-time.
- Work with all versions of python3 (tested with python3 only.)
- Highly portable being a compiled python module.
- Minimal dependencies (all dependencies are standard DLLs.)
- Only expected python dependencies are
(for reading/displaying images purpose).
- Works fastest only if a single face is present because for each face detected, embeddings would have to be calculated separately.
Benchmarks (show me the stats!):
Architecture | OS | Time*(ms) |
Intel i5-8300H Cpu @ 2.30GHz | Windows | ~ 17ms |
- *Time measured in python runtime averaging over 100 loops.
- *Time measured with inputs upto full-HD resolutions with a single face present.
- (All resolutions are resized to fixed input-size specified by model before further processing.)
import numpy as np
import cv2
import faceEmbeddingsPipeline_python_module as pipeline #for CPU.
pipeline.load_model("weights.bin") #load model and initialize weights
frame = cv2.imread("./test_1.jpg") #Uint8 BGR format data.
face_bboxes_1,embeddings_1 = pipeline.detect_embedding(frame,conf_threshold=0.9)
assert face_bboxes_1.shape[0] == 1, "For now single face expected in the specified frame"
frame = cv2.imread("./test_2.jpg") #Uint8 BGR format data.
face_bboxes_2,embeddings_2 = pipeline.detect_embedding(frame,conf_threshold=0.9)
assert faces_bboxes_2.shape[0] == 1, "For now single face expected in the specified frame"
#calculate a metric for measuring similarty among embeddings, i.e square of EUCLEDIAN NORM.
distance = np.sum(np.square(embeddings_1 - embeddings_2),axis=1)
print("Empirical Threshold can be taken as 1.32
Calculated Distance: {}".format(distance))
How to install
Once SDK has been downloaded into a local directory. Follow these steps.
into directory. i.e at the root of directory.-
Make sure all the requirements have been fulfilled as stated in requirements.
On <code>Windows</code> run following command at the root of the directory :
pip install .
run following command at the root of the directory :pip install .
def detect_embedding(frame, conf_threshold=0.85, nms_threshold=0.45, max_count=50)
frame: [H,W,3] Uint8 data, BGR data preferred over RGB data, generally resulting from cv2.imread("test.jpg") conf_threshold:float confidence threshold to suppress less confident predictions. nms_threshold:float Used by Non Maximum suppression to suppress bounding boxes based on this threshold. max_count:int Number of maximum faces to be detected in a given frame/image.
tuple (face_bboxes,embeddings) where: face_bboxes: Numpy array float32 data of shape [num_faces_detected,4] , each row format (x1,y1,x2,y2) aka (left,top,right,bottom) corners. embeddings: Numpy array float32 data of shape [num_faces_detected,512] , embedding for each face-detected.
def load_model(weightsPath: str)
Initialize the model and load weights from the path specified by weightsPath argument.
weightsPath:str /path/to/weights ,path to file to load weights from ,generally a .bin extension